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Lynch Team Interview with Gregory Rose

Monday, November 09, 2015 | By Lynch Insurance Brokers
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Q&A with Gregory Rose


Name: Gregory Rose

Nickname: No

Current Position with Company: CEO


Q: How long have you been with the company?

A: Since January 1996. I was about ten years old when I first joined Lynch, actually my first job here was licking stamps when the office was located in Mcgregor street.  I continued to work with the company as a young man when we moved to Hincks street and I had many summer odd jobs. I also spent some time working  in claims and accounting.


Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

A: Really, I find reward in several aspects of my job. I enjoy dealing with strategic issues mostly, and guiding the direction of the company. The most rewarding thing though is executing our mission which is helping people. Helping an employee, or helping a client through a ticklish situation gives me immense satisfaction.


Q: What is the biggest challenge in the insurance industry these days?

A: They are too many to count. Insurance rates are falling due to a confluence of financial circumstances and reinsurance conditions internationally and the competitive situation in the insurance market locally, also the insurance buyer is looking to cut cost. We are in a paradox as a company where we are working harder to save our client’s money, and are making less money. We are doing a good job finding options for the customer but with rates driving lower it's tough from a business and revenue standpoint.

In terms of challenges within the industry itself. The industry is at a low point in terms of its perception by the consumer in that the consumer really doesn’t see value in insurance, they see it as an expense and when it comes to recognize the benefit of that insurance expense, when there is a claim, it can be incredibly frustrating for them. The claims handling process and performance with the insurance company can be lengthy and tedious. The insurance industry has distanced themselves from the customer, appointed adjustors and quite frankly doesn’t make the process customer friendly. At times some will distance themselves from the claim itself and actively seek reasons to delay or decline rather than to honour the claim for the customer despite an agreement which they have entered into in good faith. There needs to be recognition that we are in a service industry together and find ways to help the customer quickly resolve a financially and emotionally troubling situation. There needs to be a sense of good will. This makes our job as a broker incredibly important, helping the customer to gather the necessary information for the customer to expedite and negotiate fair settlement under the policy on their behalf.


Q: What value does Lynch offer its clients as a Risk Advisor/Broker?

A: Our value is multifold but at the end of the day our single greatest value is making life easier for the customer. Helping them administer and tackle an industry that is filled with red tape and fine print. Our value is to keep the client informed of risk that is out there. To keep them informed of risk and the best way to tackle the risk whether insurance or otherwise. Keep them informed of what is emerging and what can affect them in the future. And provide them with admin ease in managing their risk, finding the best solutions and best price. And when the $%&* hits the fan, getting them out of trouble and helping them rebuild their business or home when times are at their worst and emotionally frustrated and have the finance to get back up and running. 



Q: What is your favourite movie or TV show?

A: Big Bang Theory, Drama – Game of Thrones


Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: When I get out of the office I just like to relax, spend time at home with family and their activities, my son with surfing or watching my daughter dancing. I also like to barbecue and generally unwind from my week at work.


Q: What can't you live without?

A: My wife. I might win some points for that one.


Q: In one word, how would you would describe yourself?

A: These questions are hard. We will skip that one.


Q: What would you do if you won a million dollars?

A: Pay off my debts, and obviously donate to some causes that I am very fond of.


Q: What would surprise most people to know about you?

A: I am very open and there are no surprises when it comes to me.


Q: Q: Are you involved in any social causes?

A: I supported world wildlife fund from the time I was a boy. I love anything to do with nature and wildlife and protecting the environment.


Q: What's your favourite beach?

A: I have been to many beaches, I don’t have a particular beach that is my favourite. I have favourite beaches for the circumstances. Drill Hall for Barbecue, kids can explore the reef. Superbowl for the surfing. When I want to relax, between Colony Club and Sandy Lane.


Q: Do you have a favourite sport or sports team?

A: My favourite sport is surfing although I am getting a little too old for that. As far as favourite teams I am a big fan of American football. I grew up following Miami Dolphins. Always been a fan through thick and thin!




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About Lynch

Lynch Insurance Brokers Ltd. is a risk advisory and insurance services firm. Our mission is solving our client's key risk concerns and in so doing make them more successful. We are an Associate company of Marsh Ltd., and are able to leverage their international expertise and market access to deliver innovative thinking to addressing our client's risk and insurance needs.

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