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Lynch Team Interview with James Peirce

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 | By Lynch Insurance Brokers
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Name: James Peirce

Nickname: None

Current Position with Company: Director/Account Executive/Business Development


Q: How long have you been with the company?

A: A long time, 24 years.


Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

A: Solving clients key risk concerns. I have found that no matter the risk concern, helping people is very rewarding. What’s interesting is finding out where the risks lie, and expanding from that to what their key risk concerns are and then structuring a program that addresses those concerns. In terms of addressing it, an insurance policy is only one option, but we may implement a risk management program that has many facets. Surveying regularly, doing regular maintenance etc.You have to analyse the risk and find a solution that is a best fit for the company and their risk profile. The consulting side of the job is very rewarding and is the part of the job that I like. You have to get in there and fully understand the nature of the client's business. 


Q: What is the biggest challenge in the insurance industry these days?

A: Staying relevant. 


Q: What value does Lynch offer its clients as a Risk Advisor/Broker?

A: This is a question that we often pose to ourselves as part of our growth and development. It is a question we asked all of our staff. In order to stay relevant Lynch has had to show added value to the customer. Our value add has to be service. We wish to be seen as a trusted risk advisor that positions us to broker our customers insurance needs and advise them on the full spectrum of risk. 


Q: Insured's are generally not happy when a claim occurs and want quick resolution, what do they need to do to achieve this? How do you help?

A: On a transactional level I can help expedite the process. Specifically, I am able to help with getting the claim compiled.  I was formerly the claims manager, and I still handle many of the larger claims here at Lynch. But there is a lot we can do to help, as well as expert services we can guide them to, what pitfalls to look for, what documentation would be required, how to mitigate the loss. There is a lot of advice we can provide.

The claims approach used by insurers too often comes across to the client as being one of looking at the insurance policy and seeking support within as to why the claim shouldn’t be paid, as opposed to looking for headings under which it can be paid. This is a mindset thankfully which we believe has started to change, in part because of Lynch advocating strongly on behalf of clients. My philosophy is that a claim is not a threat to the profitability of an insurance company but rather a golden opportunity for them to show their true worth. This is the only time a client will see evidence of what they have been promised for years, and any gap in expectation between what the client receives and what they believe has been promised is the reality that the insurance company has to deal with. In this consumer driven world you cannot hide anymore behind the legendary fine print of a policy, as most often now what you save in a law court you end up losing many times over in the court of public opinion. Insurers need to therefore embrace claims and be excited about this opportunity to show their wares.



Q: What is your favourite movie or TV show?

A: I have a very small window of opportunity to watch TV. I'm normally asleep by 9 o'clock. However, I would say whatever is on Discovery Channel is what I watch until my wife starts to protest!


Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: Anything outdoors. I love the ocean, so I swim several days a week to keep fit. My daughter loves open water swimming in the ocean and my son loves to snorkel, fish and surf. Once it's outdoors then I'm onboard.


Q: What can't you live without?

A: I would say a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. After that, it's my family. 


Q: In one word, how would you would describe yourself?

A: Wow, I don't know. 


Q: What would you do if you won a million dollars?

A: Probably try to make sure that my children are educated as much as possible. And by that, I don't necessarily mean just academically, but also equipped to handle life on their own. 


Q: What would surprise most people to know about you?

A: I'm pretty gregarious, but what might surprise people is that I often relish the opportunity to have quiet moments away from the crowds.


Q: Are you involved in any social causes?

A: Not directly, no. However, I try to support social activities when asked.


Q: What's your favourite beach?

A: Some may argue Carlisle Bay beach because I go there so frequently to swim, but I just generally love the ocean.


Q: Do you have a favourite sport or sports team?

A: I like the English Premier League, historically I like Tottenham and this year they have finally given me something to cheer about with their run for the title. My favourite sport would be sports fishing. I’ve been to many parts of the world fishing, some strange and some well known. I’ve also competed at the highest level for years, and have been to the Offshore World Championships twice with a best finish of 15th in the world.



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About Lynch

Lynch Insurance Brokers Ltd. is a risk advisory and insurance services firm. Our mission is solving our client's key risk concerns and in so doing make them more successful. We are an Associate company of Marsh Ltd., and are able to leverage their international expertise and market access to deliver innovative thinking to addressing our client's risk and insurance needs.

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